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July 2020- Present

Data Science intern


Recently grabbed this data science internship and my role work is to work on python libraries numpy, pandas, matplotlib and use them proficiently to to work on real world problems using different machine learning algorithms.

May 2020- July 2020

Data science learner


I was part of 2000+ data science enthusiasts community and learnt data science concepts from scratch starting from python basics , different python libraries, data preprocessing, exploratory data analysis, data modelling to data evaluation and worked on red and white wine quality predictor, breast cancer detection and heart disease detector projects.

April 2020- June 2020

Summer trainee

Consulting and analytics club, IIT Guwahati

From this training I got to know concepts about machine learning and applied supervised learning by working through projects and explored deeper concepts behind the working of algorithms like bias-variance tradeoff , outlier detection , hyper-parameter tuning , different classification and regression evaluation metrics like MSE, MAE, RMSE , F1-score, confusion matrix, AUC-ROC curve and learnt this all by making small projects.



Undergrad in Computer Science

Vellore Institute of Technology, Bhopal


CBSE Board- Intermediate

Sumermal Jain Public School , New Delhi

Professional skillset

Machine Learning

Data analysis

Data visualisation

Teamwork & Collaboration

Programming languages



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